Friday, January 2, 2009

Glam Me A New Year!

What a wonderful and wacky year it was; what a wonderful and wacky year it will be! The New-Year's Eve Extravaganza at the GlamShack was a fitting tribute to the year in review. If my addled brain remembers correctly all of the amazing DJs that play at the GlamShack each week did a special half-hour presentation. We did miss some occasional artists though, such as the incredible DJ Ajay. The high-point for me was the Friendly-Fire show, a glamtastic echoing of all of their hit new songs that were released during the closing year. There were even three songs in a row from their upcoming album including "Happy Go Lucky" and "Candlelight" but not "Untitled song in G part 1 and 2".

I predict that at the end of this year I'll still be around, still be stuck (of course), and will be once again yammering about what a wonderful and wacky year it was and what a wonderful and wacky year it will be. I don't know about ya'll, but I'm going fishin.

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