Monday, September 22, 2008


We had the very first game day at the GlamShack. Mack had become addicted to On A Roll so she had the idea to have that game, plus Greedy Greedy and SLopoly out on the grounds of the Shack on a Sunday afternoon for everyone to play. It drew a decent sized crowd though they all crowded around the On A Roll table.

The first game we ended up having all 8 seats filled. Isobela and I played on one team and got our butts kicked. The dice just didn't roll our way; the other team had two runs and were one roll away from a third in a couple of places before we made our first one. The game lasted over two and a half hours; eight-person games take longer than others but that was exceptional.

Most everyone was worn out by then and headed out, but Isobela and I stayed to play Greedy Greedy with Don and mikki. It was much more fast-paced and fun. Don and I were taking the lead from each other, back and forth the whole game, but he was the first to reach 10,000 points. The rest of us had one more turn to try and beat his score, but none of us did. It was a very good game.

Later on we decided to level Elfie Island and bring in some mountains. The idea was to dig all sorts of tunnels and caves throughout the mountains to replace the dance pavilion and other areas. Since the aquifier is close to the surface in Bowie we expect to have a number of waterfalls, both on the outside of the mountains and in the caves.

We stopped our terraforming work, got cleaned up and dressed up and headed over to Angel Shark Shallows at 7 to listen to Heath. It was his regular Sunday show at Club Neptune, his first regular show since losing power to Ike for over a week. His solo and instrumental-backed piano is simply amazing. Rejuvenating of mind, body, spirit and soul. Life is grand.

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