Saturday, April 19, 2008

Jeez Oh Freakin Criminy!

Today I visited Jenda's Moxie store, Furniture and Tropical Oasis, a very cool place. Isobela had bought some pillows there yesterday, and I wanted to check it out, too. A sign there said they would be having their Grand Opening soon, I'll try to make that.

While there I was invited to visit Jenda's awesome home. Isobela was visiting there and was so amazed she said I had to see it. There's a main island with her house, and a series of small, theme islands. Plenty of deep water for sailing and racing boats, too.

There was a short rainstorm while we were there. It would be cool if we were to get rain at the Villa so we can go out dancing in it! I'll have to look in to some of the weather control systems that I have seen around.

My friend Bill took us up to show us his work on the Savoy Jazz Club skybox, too. It will be an incredible place to dance, listen to music and watch sunsets from. Isobela helped Bill with the floor; it turned out very nice.

Later on I saw Jace at the Lost Grotto Theatre. He sings and plays acoustic guitar. He played many slow, mellow songs; it was very relaxing. Jace's followers got into the spirit of things, more so than most. There were a couple of feater boas and a scarf, and one enterprising young man wore his bowler in a strategic location, but all in all they were a splendid group. Especially Jace! Another frequent artist there, Nick99, showed up with his manager. I had a very good time at the Grotto; I wish I could make more shows there and at Gallery Orinoco.

After the show I went to the Glamshack to catch the last half of the DJ Jocelyn and Jenda show. Even though I had checked during my morning rounds, I went and checked again and it was fixed! Mack had fixed them for us! My name was back on my chair, Case's too! Tracy was there, and her hair had turned white; not light blond but pure, ugly white! Vengeance is mine!

For some reason Jenda started calling Case Nancy. Perhaps someone could explain this. His nametag clearly said "Case", and he even amended it to read "not Nancy, CASE!" But still Jenda kept at it. Perhaps she needs to see an optometrist? Or is that redundant?

DJ Jocelyn played mostly requests, including two for me! This made for a somewhat eclectic show, all good songs. Franse showed up, and everyone in the place said Hi. It is such a cool group that hangs out there, I am really lucky to have such great friends. Mack had also put up this Metaverse information board; it has all sorts of miscellaneous information like the time, currency exchange rates and also, oddly enough, Isobela's friend count. The current total was 13,317,227. That girls know Everyone in the entire Metaverse!

1 comment:

Jenda Starbrook said...

LMAO! It started in the group chat, if I remember right. Case said something about calling him anything but late to dinner and so I started calling him the most obnoxious names that I could, including Nancy and Daisy Mae Tinklepants. Heehee! It's so much fun to give him crap, more so when Mack joins in too.

Thanks for the kind words about Moxie. It takes a lot of work to launch a store and be successful and it's because of customers like you, that I am seeing my SL dream come to life!