We talked about compter specs for a while, and who was running some program called WindLight. Torley gave us some hints on animations, and there was a discussion on what to do about false accusations causing people grief. I asked Torley about the chances for being able to make a single-arm tattoo? He said "maybe someday." One of the clothing designers there thought that was a great idea - she could make dresses with different length sleeves then too. We also had fun playing musical chairs!
Office hours ran long, but I was able to make most of Friendly Fire's awesome performance at the Bushy Beard Pub. They are a good fit the that place. It was incredibly crowded, I had to stand in the door for 5 minutes before being able to squeeze my way in. Brooke, Daddie, Tkid, Tracy, Moard, Kizza, DJ John and many, many others were there. Willa and Mia showed up late but the show went over so they got a good dose of Friendly Fire ripping up the room. Case and Mack were on fire!
Later I went out shopping and bought a rabbit-hunting outfit. DJ Jocelyn was performing at TNW at 8 and the theme was "Wabbit Season ~Camo". I met Isobela there, as usual there was hardly anyone else there at opening time; Joce Rosie and Argus, then Tracy, then Donna; it was awesome dancing with 5 lovely ladies! Then Farr showed, and it started filling up. There seemed to be many transportation problems yet again; I hope they fix these infrastructure problems soon.
Tracy, Hy, Friendly Fire, Steverino, Natallya, Argus, Farr, Rosie, Donna, Casey, LoveSpell, Morgan and many more all showed. There were some really creative costumes, seems most everybody had a different idea about what was required to hunt wabbits. Maybe my grenade launcher was a little bit much. I did decide against adding my Rambo knife to my ensemble, though.
DJ Joce was playing some very patriotic songs to go with the camo most of us were wearing. Time sure flies when she's on a roll. Everybody was having a great time. There was some spanking going on too, I think. May have been somebody's birthday; I'm not sure what all that was about.
Iso and I were deeply engaged in a conversation and completely missed the announcement of the contest winners. Tracy and Iso tied for the ladies, I won for the guys! I finally caught on that everyone was congratulating us and jostled Iso's elbow whispering "Hey, say thanks, we won!"
We said our thank yous and congratulated each other, and stayed until the end of the show. We wandered around a bit after the show chatting. We went and borrowed some clothes and props from the sets of the movies"300" and Die Hard and had a great time cutting up with them.
I learned a new word of the day when I was at Torley's office hours: OSSM. Synonymous with awesome. Seems kinda silly to me. While there many of the others talked about some new computer game called Crysis. Apparently it's very popular. Who's got time for silly things like that when we're living life large?
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